Posting from a new locationThe new sweet spot for my blog posts https://alok87.inNov 26, 2022Nov 26, 2022
Continuing on Weak Isolation Levels…Databases by default do not prevent us from all concurrency issues. Let’s understand more issues and their solutions.Feb 26, 2022Feb 26, 2022
Weak Isolation LevelsDatabase Isolation levels can get confusing and hard to understand. But understanding it is a must to build reliable systems since…Feb 24, 20222Feb 24, 20222
Published inTDS ArchiveOpen-sourcing Tipoca StreamTake the data from Kafka to Redshift in near-realtimeJun 18, 2021Jun 18, 2021
Playing with Prometheus…Short story of playing with Prometheus metrics and functions to measure, observe, then optimize.May 14, 2021May 14, 2021
Launching Worker Pod AutoscalerSolving specific problems with worker scaling in KubernetesDec 12, 20191Dec 12, 20191
Networking with KubernetesContainers are changing the landscape of how the applications are developed and run. With containers coming into picture, the application…Oct 23, 20173Oct 23, 20173